Guild icon
BombSquad/Ballistica Official
/home/era/gmt+3:30 10/23/2023 7:59 AM


  • @Founder magic
  • A role exclusive to @efro [GMT -7], the founder of BombSquad/Ballistica.
  • @Manager manager2
  • A role exclusive to the server's managers. They take care of everything. Ping them if you see a senior moderator breaking rules.
  • @Senior Moderator spaz_ok
  • A role exclusive to the server's senior moderators. They help managers and moderate other moderators. Ping them if you see a moderator breaking rules.
  • @Moderator moderator2
  • A role exclusive to the server's moderators. They keep the server clean and enforce our #rules. Ping them if you see someone breaking rules.
  • @Contest Winner trophy
  • Given to people who win our different contests.
  • @Contributor github
  • Given to people who contribute to the development of BombSquad/Ballistica by directly contributing code to the project, suggesting features that get added, or reporting bugs that get fixed.
  • @Server Booster eric_smile
  • Automatically given to people who boost the server.
  • @The Spaz, @B-9000, @Agent Johnson, @Snake Shadow, and @Device spaz_cute
  • Automatically given to people based on how active they are by @Arcane.
    • You will receive attachment permissions once you reach @Snake Shadow.
    • You will receive embedding permissions once you reach @The Spaz.
    • You will receive your own custom color role when you're in the top 10 members.
  • @Modder, @Git Follower, @Player, and @Coffee Advocate eric_coffee
  • Roles that can be selected by anyone during onboarding. We will ping these for different events.
👍🏻 2
true 1
Exported 1 message(s)
Timezone: UTC-6